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Správa od Beky a Lenky

Tulsa_FotoSketcher Prosím modlite sa ak možte a povedzte aj ostatným nech sa modlia za nás …

V stredu ideme do Tulsy – kde bývajú bývali utečenci z Burmy a Myanmaru myslím.
Títo ludia utiekli do USA a museli tu začať žiť. Ich deti vyrástli tu. Pastor a jeho žena su v Amerike vyše 25 rokov.
My me boli pozvané (skôr Jeanettka :) tam robiť malý seminár. Od stredy do nedele. Veci sa ale stále menia a dnešný výsledok je takýto:

Naše malé stretnutie s max. 30 detmi sa zmenilo na stretnutie s viac ako 100 deťmi. Vekové rozpätie je od 0 do 14!!!! unsure emoticon pravdepodobne nebudeme mať žiadne ozvučenie, žiaden mikrofón!! V tej velkej miestnosti. žiaden nástroj, klavír, nič ako možeme viesť chvály. Učitelia tam budú, no budú sa skôr pozerať a učiť, v podst na vedenie zhromka sme samé my tri. Jeden z najväčších problémov može byť jazyk. Tieto deti zťažka vedia po anglicky takže možu byť problémy s porozumením. Potrebujeme Božiu milosť a pomazanie a vedenie. Nech sa stane zázrak a deti počujú a rozumeju. A my nech sme vedené Duchom svätým a hovoríme také kázanie/lekciu akú potrebujú počuť.

Okrem 4 stretnutí s viac ako sto detmi budeme mať jedno stretnutie s mladými a dve stretnutia s rodičmi a jedno s učitelmi a potom ešte raz v nedelu slúžime všetkým deťom. Potrebujeme naozaj Božie prikrytie. Ďakujeme!

STREDA – stretnutie s mladými (Jeanetta male slovo, Lenka a ja slovo)

doobeda: detské zhromko
ja – evanjelium + Hodnota dieťaťa (ciel: spasenie + vnutorné uzdravenie)
poobede: detské zhromko
jeanett – O dávidovi + ja – lekcia o chvále
večer: seminár pre rodičov – Jeanetta učí , my svedectvo

doobeda: detské zhromko
Lenka Duch svätý – 1, 2 časť – kto je DS
poobede: detské zhromko
Lenka Duch svätý – 3. 4 časť – práca DS + krst DS
večer: seminár pre rodičov – Jeanetta učí – my o tábore

doobeda – modlitebné stretnutie
poobede: seminár pre učitelov

doobeda – detské zhormko – Jeanetta učí – Boží plán pre rodiny

Beky píše,

jún 19, 2015 @ 7:25

Tak sme uz v posteli. Ideme spat.
Bilo to mile. Maju 170 mladyxh :D ale neboli tam lebi maju summer camp ci co. Ale bolo tam takych ludi 30 -50 ku koncu.
Pae z nich sa rozhodlo pre Boha.
Je to velmi mile spoznavat tuto kulturu azijsku. Su to krasni ludia. Velmi velmi mili a trochu hanblivi.
Ich mena su pre mna katastrofa .zoznamila som sa s viaceeymi dievcarami a vsetky mi povedali ze sa volaju “ chin“
Aspon teda vzdy to znelo ako chin :D
JEANETTKA bola skvela…. tak jednoducjo a priamo veci hovori ze su pochopitelne a trefne a ide to priamo od srdca k srdcu …to by som chcela vedietBoki sme s pastorom Khomom na veceri tak nam rozpravala o Burme a utecencoch a situacii tak. Je to velmi mily a mudry clovek. Pozna svohich ludi vie kde sa nachadzaju co im treba.
A to bolo mile ze bol na mladezi napriwk tomu ze je pastor celeho zboru.

Dokopy ke ich aj s detmi okolo 700 :D neuveritelne!Dakujeme za mdolitby pls pokracujte. Zajtra moje dve lekcie vobec sa na to necitim. Hlaven na tu druhu lebo tu som este neucila tak neviem ako to este dopadne. Snad milosrdne ;)

Beky píše,

jún 19, 2015 @ 7:29

Today we had am meeting lunch and pm meeting.
We spoke about worth of children , gospel and than another part was praise&worship lesson (different ways how to worship ) and about David as a worshipper.
These kids are not use to listen for a long time they are very energetic so it was difficult. and also we have age from 2-15.. so of course little ones are tired after while. but although all these „problems“ God was ministering I hope. some kid got saved thanks God!!
there were parts where God’s presence was there very obviously and kids worshipped and prayied. even for kids in Slovakia!!

today evening we have teachers training Tomorrow we decided for a little change.
I will take little ones a make for them separate class focused on their age . it is needed!
this should help the older ones to not be disrupted.
they will have lesson about Holy Spirit. Lenka will teach.
pls pray for HS to come and baptise them and also for concentration and discipline.
we really want to see Spirit moving and see them baptised.

also for me. I don’t teach this 3-5 age group usually and especially not in English. I have to learn all songs for them till tommorow. also these little ones understand less. so I need God’s grace. smile emoticon thank you so much for prayers@

It is stretchy but we are learning from jeanett. and I love these children they are soo beautiful and shy but on the other hand they love you easily when you come closer. asian culture is different. I really like it!!

lucia píše,

jún 19, 2015 @ 8:11

Beky, ďakujem veľmi, že môžem byť v obraze. Modlím sa za vás všetky aj za deti. Nech Pán mocne koná.

Boris píše,

jún 19, 2015 @ 8:17

S potesenim sa budem za vas modlit. Je isto nadhera vidiet vas tri ako spolu sluzite. A este k tomu tam, v Jeanettkinej domovine. Jeanetta stale vie vytvarat tímy, to teda ano, trio famózní :) Vydrzte! Nech vas Pan vedie vo vsetkom a stale.

igor píše,

jún 20, 2015 @ 23:07

co noveho dievcata?

rebeka píše,

jún 23, 2015 @ 4:31

Ahojte drahí modlitebníci. Prepáčte že moje predchádzajúce správy sú plné chýba preklepov. Písala som vždy velmi unavená a velmi nrýchlo a preposielala som dievčatám len správy v angličtine aby som nemusela pisať na dva krát.

Posielam teda aj posledné dve správy a ďakujeme vám všetkým čo ste s nami stáli a bojovali , držali nám ruky :) Velmi vás pozzdravujem aj od Jeanettky!

Hello my dear intercessors! Please cotinue in your praying. It is precious we really appreciate that! And we need it .
Today around 100 kids again.
Older kids had great time. Jeanett and lenka said that some of them were really touched by God and Holy spirit was ministering to them. They were praying, crying and they later gave their testimonies – revelation in their hearts how God loves them, how He took a burden from them, revelation of God’s forgiveness etc. Holy Spirit was moving there. It was also big encouragement for teachers.

Thank you so much for your interceding!
Your prayers really changed a lot here!
As you prayed for weather , we have after 3 days of raining 2 days of sun!
Today we could see also many other fulfilled prayers.

Discipline among children is much much better.
In the morning meeting with whole families. And in the afternoon Jeanett was with parents and we took kids to classes.
In the morning Jeannette was sharing. Whole families received message God’s plan for families and about prayer alters in our families .. Especially prayer time when families prayed together was powerful!

In fact , today all three of us shared almost the same topic today. About Family, home and God’s kingdom in family – how it looks to live as children of God.
Lenka had older kids and shared My house lesson. They had really good class!

Also me! I had a great class today . I shared about God’s kingdom and how it looks in our homes and what we should do as a children of God. When I compare with yesterday kids were really listening. Actually they were so quiet that I used everything what I have prepared and they still were sitting quietly and waiting what is next!:)
That is really miracle with these kids. Teachers and parents are really encouraged when they see that it is possible to have order with kids.

We see lot of fruit. During these days some kids gave their lives to jesus, Some received Holy Spirit. Also they are learning to obey and listen and also parents they are receiving a lot.
These people are so precious!!! Their kindness and generosity and helping heart is unbelievable!
They are so close to my heart. And mainly kids of course. We are friends now , even though I don’t know any of their names :P it is impossible to know their Burmees names for us Europians. But they love us and wanna be all the time around us, sitting on us, hugging us or touching our curly hair :D I am blessed and I can really learn from Jeanett.

God continues stretching us. Today in a few hours we will share on 2 youth meetings. Please pray for God’s leading – for His fresh word for these teenagers.
Also tomorrow in the afternoon we sill have main meeting. we expect more children. Around 170 but this is including babies and older kids.
Please pray it is our last meeting. We need to hear what is God ’s will for us to share and we want God to do everything what He wants with these kids.
Also please pray for refreshing for us, especially for Jeanett of course. Thank you so much!!!!.

rebeka píše,

jún 23, 2015 @ 4:34

Okay we are finished. :) We are home, tired but very happy :)
Yesterday was good. We had so many kids !!!
In the beginning were in their big church. It was such a blessing. These people are truly people of prayer. I think that is one of the reasons why they are growing so much.

With kids it was little bit difficult because there were many new kids . All three of us had around 40 little kids and we had less teachers than before because it was Sunday so few stayed at the main service.
But God ministered. especially older kids had great time , speaking about our heavenly Father and than the Wounded heart lesson.
We are so thankful to what God did. How He ministered and encouraged teachers. We hope so! we pray everything will be sealed in kids’ hearts. And that children’s ministry there will proper there.

We could see little bit of fruit , but mainly we were sowing and we can just hope God will water and give the growth. He is the One to do it.
But we could really see s big difference in these kids from the time we came and the last day.
And above all this, we have precious friendships with kids and teachers. These people are so close to our heart.
We were also physically very blessed by church. Their generosity and kindness is without borders! gasp emoticon
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR PRAYERS. me lenka and Jeanett are so thankful!!!! without you praying this would be impossible!


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